What is Hockey 4All?

Hky4All project is a small collaborative partnership with the specific purpose to use the sport, in particular by the practice of Hockey, encourage children of young age to be more respectful to each other and to difference. At the same time the goal is also to increase the number of young children with or without mental disabilities to have access to the practice of regular physical activity integrational program, by combating the discrimination and the intolerance in sport. Also important is work on their social inclusion, being in a world so global, so crowd but and the same time so lonely and so selfish, it's so important to develop at early ages sentiments that as tolerance and respect. We truly believe that Sport can also be an excellent tool for integration.

Bit by bit, the goal is to encourage the entire population to be more tolerance towards the others and to the difference. And sometimes the best and the fastest way to reach the adults to change their attitudes is true their children "many times the children can become their parents teachers". The main objective is to transmit the importance of regular practice of physical activity and encouraging its practice, in particular by experience hockey and its practice since early age and also to embrace a healthier lifestyle, with more concern regarding health, regarding the amount of the exercise they practice and the real influence this exercise can have in health, but also in the state of mind and self-esteem. Reflected in the way each individual see them self in the word with or without disability. Besides this aspects, its main goal is promote equal and free access to sport practice.
Project Number: 101048779 (Hockey4All) - ERASMUS-SPORT-2021-SSCP
All Rights Reserved 2022


This document is the collective effort of many individuals and the partner organisations working on behalf of the project Hockey4all and every attempt has been made to ensure that the included information is true and accurate. Every reader and user is expressly advised to use the content and information of this document on his/her own responsibility. The European Commission's support to produce this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 
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